Struct xpcom::interfaces::inIDOMUtils [] [src]

pub struct inIDOMUtils { /* fields omitted */ }

interface inIDOMUtils : nsISupports


impl inIDOMUtils


Cast this inIDOMUtils to one of its base interfaces.

impl inIDOMUtils



TYPE_LENGTH: i64 = 0


TYPE_COLOR: i64 = 2

TYPE_URL: i64 = 3

TYPE_ANGLE: i64 = 4


TYPE_TIME: i64 = 6




TYPE_NUMBER: i64 = 10


void getAllStyleSheets (in nsIDOMDocument aDoc, [optional] out unsigned long aLength, [array, size_is (aLength), retval] out nsISupports aSheets);


nsIArrayExtensions getCSSStyleRules (in nsIDOMElement aElement, [optional] in DOMString aPseudo);


   * Get the line number of a rule.
   * @param nsIDOMCSSRule aRule The rule.
   * @return The rule's line number.  Line numbers are 1-based.

unsigned long getRuleLine (in nsIDOMCSSRule aRule);


   * Get the column number of a rule.
   * @param nsIDOMCSSRule aRule The rule.
   * @return The rule's column number.  Column numbers are 1-based.

unsigned long getRuleColumn (in nsIDOMCSSRule aRule);


   * Like getRuleLine, but if the rule is in a <style> element,
   * returns a line number relative to the start of the element.
   * @param nsIDOMCSSRule aRule the rule to examine
   * @return the line number of the rule, possibly relative to the
   *         <style> element

unsigned long getRelativeRuleLine (in nsIDOMCSSRule aRule);


unsigned long getSelectorCount (in nsIDOMCSSStyleRule aRule);


AString getSelectorText (in nsIDOMCSSStyleRule aRule, in unsigned long aSelectorIndex);


unsigned long long getSpecificity (in nsIDOMCSSStyleRule aRule, in unsigned long aSelectorIndex);


bool selectorMatchesElement (in nsIDOMElement aElement, in nsIDOMCSSStyleRule aRule, in unsigned long aSelectorIndex, [optional] in DOMString aPseudo);


bool isInheritedProperty (in AString aPropertyName);


void getCSSPropertyNames ([optional] in unsigned long aFlags, [optional] out unsigned long aCount, [array, size_is (aCount), retval] out wstring aProps);


void getCSSValuesForProperty (in AString aProperty, [optional] out unsigned long aLength, [array, size_is (aLength), retval] out wstring aValues);


AString rgbToColorName (in octet aR, in octet aG, in octet aB);


bool isValidCSSColor (in AString aColorString);


void getSubpropertiesForCSSProperty (in AString aProperty, [optional] out unsigned long aLength, [array, size_is (aLength), retval] out wstring aValues);


bool cssPropertyIsShorthand (in AString aProperty);


bool cssPropertySupportsType (in AString aProperty, in unsigned long type);


boolean isIgnorableWhitespace (in nsIDOMCharacterData aDataNode);


nsIDOMNode getParentForNode (in nsIDOMNode aNode, in boolean aShowingAnonymousContent);


nsIDOMNodeList getChildrenForNode (in nsIDOMNode aNode, in boolean aShowingAnonymousContent);


nsIArray getBindingURLs (in nsIDOMElement aElement);


unsigned long long getContentState (in nsIDOMElement aElement);


   * Setting and removing content state on an element. Both these functions
   * calling EventStateManager::SetContentState internally, the difference is
   * that for the remove case we simply pass in nullptr for the element.
   * Use them accordingly.
   * When removing the active state, you may optionally also clear the active
   * document as well by setting aClearActiveDocument
   * @return Returns true if the state was set successfully. See more details
   * in EventStateManager.h SetContentState.

bool setContentState (in nsIDOMElement aElement, in unsigned long long aState);


bool removeContentState (in nsIDOMElement aElement, in unsigned long long aState, [optional] in bool aClearActiveDocument);


nsIDOMFontFaceList getUsedFontFaces (in nsIDOMRange aRange);


   * Get the names of all the supported pseudo-elements.
   * Pseudo-elements which are only accepted in UA style sheets are
   * not included.
   * @param {unsigned long} aCount the number of items returned
   * @param {wstring[]} aNames the names

void getCSSPseudoElementNames ([optional] out unsigned long aCount, [array, size_is (aCount), retval] out wstring aNames);


void removePseudoClassLock (in nsIDOMElement aElement, in DOMString aPseudoClass);


bool hasPseudoClassLock (in nsIDOMElement aElement, in DOMString aPseudoClass);


void clearPseudoClassLocks (in nsIDOMElement aElement);


   * Parse CSS and update the style sheet in place.
   * @param DOMCSSStyleSheet aSheet
   * @param DOMString aInput
   *        The new source string for the style sheet.

void parseStyleSheet (in nsIDOMCSSStyleSheet aSheet, in DOMString aInput);


   * Scroll an element completely into view, if possible.
   * This is similar to ensureElementIsVisible but for all ancestors.
   * @param DOMElement aElement

void scrollElementIntoView (in nsIDOMElement aElement);

Methods from Deref<Target = nsISupports>


Cast this nsISupports to one of its base interfaces.


void QueryInterface (in nsIIDRef uuid, [iid_is (uuid), retval] out nsQIResult result);


[noscript,notxpcom] nsrefcnt AddRef ();


[noscript,notxpcom] nsrefcnt Release ();

Trait Implementations

impl XpCom for inIDOMUtils

IID: nsIID = nsID(909023427, 33474, 19160, [141, 203, 0, 232, 228, 234, 180, 151])


Perform a QueryInterface call on this object, attempting to dynamically cast it to the requested interface type. Returns Some(RefPtr) if the cast succeeded, and None otherwise. Read more

impl RefCounted for inIDOMUtils


Increment the reference count.


Decrement the reference count, potentially freeing backing memory.

impl Deref for inIDOMUtils

The resulting type after dereferencing.


Dereferences the value.