Struct xpcom::interfaces::nsIAccessible [] [src]

pub struct nsIAccessible { /* fields omitted */ }

interface nsIAccessible : nsISupports

 * A cross-platform interface that supports platform-specific
 * accessibility APIs like MSAA and ATK. Contains the sum of what's needed
 * to support IAccessible as well as ATK's generic accessibility objects.
 * Can also be used by in-process accessibility clients to get information
 * about objects in the accessible tree. The accessible tree is a subset of
 * nodes in the DOM tree -- such as documents, focusable elements and text.
 * Mozilla creates the implementations of nsIAccessible on demand.
 * See for more information.


impl nsIAccessible


Cast this nsIAccessible to one of its base interfaces.

impl nsIAccessible


   * Parent node in accessible tree.

readonly attribute nsIAccessible parent;


   * Next sibling in accessible tree

readonly attribute nsIAccessible nextSibling;


   * Previous sibling in accessible tree

readonly attribute nsIAccessible previousSibling;


   * First child in accessible tree

readonly attribute nsIAccessible firstChild;


   * Last child in accessible tree

readonly attribute nsIAccessible lastChild;


   * Array of all this element's children.

readonly attribute nsIArray children;


   * Number of accessible children

readonly attribute long childCount;


   * The 0-based index of this accessible in its parent's list of children,
   * or -1 if this accessible does not have a parent.

readonly attribute long indexInParent;


   * The DOM node this nsIAccessible is associated with.

readonly attribute nsIDOMNode DOMNode;


    * For remote accessibles the id of the related DOM node.

readonly attribute DOMString id;


   * The document accessible that this access node resides in.

readonly attribute nsIAccessibleDocument document;


   * The root document accessible that this access node resides in.

readonly attribute nsIAccessibleDocument rootDocument;


   * The language for the current DOM node, e.g. en, de, etc.

readonly attribute DOMString language;


   * Accessible name -- the main text equivalent for this node. The name is
   * specified by ARIA or by native markup. Example of ARIA markup is
   * aria-labelledby attribute placed on element of this accessible. Example
   * of native markup is HTML label linked with HTML element of this accessible.
   * Value can be string or null. A null value indicates that AT may attempt to
   * compute the name. Any string value, including the empty string, should be
   * considered author-intentional, and respected.

readonly attribute AString name;


   * Accessible value -- a number or a secondary text equivalent for this node
   * Widgets that use role attribute can force a value using the valuenow attribute

readonly attribute AString value;


   * Accessible description -- long text associated with this node

readonly attribute AString description;


   * Provides localized string of accesskey name, such as Alt+D.
   * The modifier may be affected by user and platform preferences.
   * Usually alt+letter, or just the letter alone for menu items.

readonly attribute AString accessKey;


   * Provides localized string of global keyboard accelerator for default
   * action, such as Ctrl+O for Open file

readonly attribute AString keyboardShortcut;


   * Enumerated accessible role (see the constants defined in nsIAccessibleRole).
   * @note  The values might depend on platform because of variations. Widgets
   *        can use ARIA role attribute to force the final role.

readonly attribute unsigned long role;


   * Accessible states -- bit fields which describe boolean properties of node.
   * Many states are only valid given a certain role attribute that supports
   * them.
   * @param aState - the first bit field (see nsIAccessibleStates::STATE_*
   *                 constants)
   * @param aExtraState - the second bit field
   *                      (see nsIAccessibleStates::EXT_STATE_* constants)

void getState (out unsigned long aState, out unsigned long aExtraState);


   * Help text associated with node
   * @note As of now, this just returns empty string.

readonly attribute AString help;


   * Focused accessible child of node

readonly attribute nsIAccessible focusedChild;


   * Attributes of accessible

readonly attribute nsIPersistentProperties attributes;


   * Returns grouping information. Used for tree items, list items, tab panel
   * labels, radio buttons, etc. Also used for collectons of non-text objects.
   * @param groupLevel - 1-based, similar to ARIA 'level' property
   * @param similarItemsInGroup - 1-based, similar to ARIA 'setsize' property,
   *                              inclusive of the current item
   * @param positionInGroup - 1-based, similar to ARIA 'posinset' property

void groupPosition (out long aGroupLevel, out long aSimilarItemsInGroup, out long aPositionInGroup);


   * Accessible child which contains the coordinate at (x, y) in screen pixels.
   * If the point is in the current accessible but not in a child, the
   * current accessible will be returned.
   * If the point is in neither the current accessible or a child, then
   * null will be returned.
   * @param x  screen's x coordinate
   * @param y  screen's y coordinate
   * @return   the deepest accessible child containing the given point

nsIAccessible getChildAtPoint (in long x, in long y);


   * Deepest accessible child which contains the coordinate at (x, y) in screen
   * pixels. If the point is in the current accessible but not in a child, the
   * current accessible will be returned. If the point is in neither the current
   * accessible or a child, then null will be returned.
   * @param x  screen's x coordinate
   * @param y  screen's y coordinate
   * @return   the deepest accessible child containing the given point

nsIAccessible getDeepestChildAtPoint (in long x, in long y);


   * Nth accessible child using zero-based index or last child if index less than zero

nsIAccessible getChildAt (in long aChildIndex);


   * Return accessible relation by the given relation type (see.
   * constants defined in nsIAccessibleRelation).

nsIAccessibleRelation getRelationByType (in unsigned long aRelationType);


   * Returns multiple accessible relations for this object.

nsIArray getRelations ();


   * Return accessible's x and y coordinates relative to the screen and
   * accessible's width and height.

void getBounds (out long x, out long y, out long width, out long height);


   * Add or remove this accessible to the current selection

void setSelected (in boolean isSelected);


   * Select this accessible node only

void takeSelection ();


   * Focus this accessible node,
   * The state STATE_FOCUSABLE indicates whether this node is normally focusable.
   * It is the callers responsibility to determine whether this node is focusable.
   * accTakeFocus on a node that is not normally focusable (such as a table),
   * will still set focus on that node, although normally that will not be visually
   * indicated in most style sheets.

void takeFocus ();


   * The number of accessible actions associated with this accessible

readonly attribute uint8_t actionCount;


   * The name of the accessible action at the given zero-based index

AString getActionName (in uint8_t index);


   * The description of the accessible action at the given zero-based index

AString getActionDescription (in uint8_t aIndex);


   * Perform the accessible action at the given zero-based index
   * Action number 0 is the default action

void doAction (in uint8_t index);


   * Makes an object visible on screen.
   * @param scrollType - defines where the object should be placed on
   *                     the screen (see nsIAccessibleScrollType for
   *                     available constants).

void scrollTo (in unsigned long aScrollType);


   * Moves the top left of an object to a specified location.
   * @param coordinateType [in] - specifies whether the coordinates are relative to
   *                         the screen or the parent object (for available
   *                         constants refer to nsIAccessibleCoordinateType)
   * @param x [in] - defines the x coordinate
   * @param y [in] - defines the y coordinate

void scrollToPoint (in unsigned long coordinateType, in long x, in long y);

Methods from Deref<Target = nsISupports>


Cast this nsISupports to one of its base interfaces.


void QueryInterface (in nsIIDRef uuid, [iid_is (uuid), retval] out nsQIResult result);


[noscript,notxpcom] nsrefcnt AddRef ();


[noscript,notxpcom] nsrefcnt Release ();

Trait Implementations

impl XpCom for nsIAccessible

IID: nsIID = nsID(3727190489, 22076, 18755, [153, 107, 49, 164, 218, 164, 208, 151])


Perform a QueryInterface call on this object, attempting to dynamically cast it to the requested interface type. Returns Some(RefPtr) if the cast succeeded, and None otherwise. Read more

impl RefCounted for nsIAccessible


Increment the reference count.


Decrement the reference count, potentially freeing backing memory.

impl Deref for nsIAccessible

The resulting type after dereferencing.


Dereferences the value.