Struct xpcom::interfaces::nsIPromptService [] [src]

pub struct nsIPromptService { /* fields omitted */ }

interface nsIPromptService : nsISupports

 * This is the interface to the embeddable prompt service; the service that
 * implements nsIPrompt.  Its interface is designed to be just nsIPrompt, each
 * method modified to take a parent window parameter.
 * Accesskeys can be attached to buttons and checkboxes by inserting an &
 * before the accesskey character in the checkbox message or button title.  For
 * a real &, use && instead.  (A "button title" generally refers to the text
 * label of a button.)
 * One note: in all cases, the parent window parameter can be null.  However,
 * these windows are all intended to have parents.  So when no parent is
 * specified, the implementation should try hard to find a suitable foster
 * parent.
 * Implementations are free to choose how they present the various button
 * types.  For example, while prompts that give the user a choice between OK
 * and Cancel are required to return a boolean value indicating whether or not
 * the user accepted the prompt (pressed OK) or rejected the prompt (pressed
 * Cancel), the implementation of this interface could very well speak the
 * prompt to the user instead of rendering any visual user-interface.  The
 * standard button types are merely idioms used to convey the nature of the
 * choice the user is to make.
 * Because implementations of this interface may loosely interpret the various
 * button types, it is advised that text messages passed to these prompts do
 * not refer to the button types by name.  For example, it is inadvisable to
 * tell the user to "Press OK to proceed."  Instead, such a prompt might be
 * rewritten to ask the user: "Would you like to proceed?"


impl nsIPromptService


Cast this nsIPromptService to one of its base interfaces.

impl nsIPromptService

BUTTON_POS_0: i64 = 1
   * Button Flags
   * The following flags are combined to form the aButtonFlags parameter passed
   * to confirmEx.  See confirmEx for more information on how the flags may be
   * combined.
   * Button Position Flags

BUTTON_POS_1: i64 = 256

BUTTON_POS_2: i64 = 65536

   * Button Title Flags (used to set the labels of buttons in the prompt)








   * Button Default Flags (used to select which button is the default one)

BUTTON_POS_1_DEFAULT: i64 = 16777216

BUTTON_POS_2_DEFAULT: i64 = 33554432

BUTTON_DELAY_ENABLE: i64 = 67108864
   * Causes the buttons to be initially disabled.  They are enabled after a
   * timeout expires.  The implementation may interpret this loosely as the
   * intent is to ensure that the user does not click through a security dialog
   * too quickly.  Strictly speaking, the implementation could choose to ignore
   * this flag.

   * Selects the standard set of OK/Cancel buttons.

STD_YES_NO_BUTTONS: i64 = 1027
   * Selects the standard set of Yes/No buttons.


   * Puts up an alert dialog with an OK button.
   * @param aParent
   *        The parent window or null.
   * @param aDialogTitle
   *        Text to appear in the title of the dialog.
   * @param aText
   *        Text to appear in the body of the dialog.

void alert (in mozIDOMWindowProxy aParent, in wstring aDialogTitle, in wstring aText);


   * Puts up an alert dialog with an OK button and a labeled checkbox.
   * @param aParent
   *        The parent window or null.
   * @param aDialogTitle
   *        Text to appear in the title of the dialog.
   * @param aText
   *        Text to appear in the body of the dialog.
   * @param aCheckMsg
   *        Text to appear with the checkbox.
   * @param aCheckState
   *        Contains the initial checked state of the checkbox when this method
   *        is called and the final checked state after this method returns.

void alertCheck (in mozIDOMWindowProxy aParent, in wstring aDialogTitle, in wstring aText, in wstring aCheckMsg, inout boolean aCheckState);


   * Puts up a dialog with OK and Cancel buttons.
   * @param aParent
   *        The parent window or null.
   * @param aDialogTitle
   *        Text to appear in the title of the dialog.
   * @param aText
   *        Text to appear in the body of the dialog.
   * @return true for OK, false for Cancel

boolean confirm (in mozIDOMWindowProxy aParent, in wstring aDialogTitle, in wstring aText);


   * Puts up a dialog with OK and Cancel buttons and a labeled checkbox.
   * @param aParent
   *        The parent window or null.
   * @param aDialogTitle
   *        Text to appear in the title of the dialog.
   * @param aText
   *        Text to appear in the body of the dialog.
   * @param aCheckMsg
   *        Text to appear with the checkbox.
   * @param aCheckState
   *        Contains the initial checked state of the checkbox when this method
   *        is called and the final checked state after this method returns.
   * @return true for OK, false for Cancel

boolean confirmCheck (in mozIDOMWindowProxy aParent, in wstring aDialogTitle, in wstring aText, in wstring aCheckMsg, inout boolean aCheckState);


   * Puts up a dialog with up to 3 buttons and an optional, labeled checkbox.
   * @param aParent
   *        The parent window or null.
   * @param aDialogTitle
   *        Text to appear in the title of the dialog.
   * @param aText
   *        Text to appear in the body of the dialog.
   * @param aButtonFlags
   *        A combination of Button Flags.
   * @param aButton0Title
   *        Used when button 0 uses TITLE_IS_STRING
   * @param aButton1Title
   *        Used when button 1 uses TITLE_IS_STRING
   * @param aButton2Title
   *        Used when button 2 uses TITLE_IS_STRING
   * @param aCheckMsg
   *        Text to appear with the checkbox.  Null if no checkbox.
   * @param aCheckState
   *        Contains the initial checked state of the checkbox when this method
   *        is called and the final checked state after this method returns.
   * @return index of the button pressed.
   * Buttons are numbered 0 - 2. The implementation can decide whether the
   * sequence goes from right to left or left to right.  Button 0 is the
   * default button unless one of the Button Default Flags is specified.
   * A button may use a predefined title, specified by one of the Button Title
   * Flags values.  Each title value can be multiplied by a position value to
   * assign the title to a particular button.  If BUTTON_TITLE_IS_STRING is
   * used for a button, the string parameter for that button will be used.  If
   * the value for a button position is zero, the button will not be shown.
   * In general, aButtonFlags is constructed per the following example:
   *   aButtonFlags = (BUTTON_POS_0) * (BUTTON_TITLE_AAA) +
   *                  (BUTTON_POS_1) * (BUTTON_TITLE_BBB) +
   *                   BUTTON_POS_1_DEFAULT;
   * where "AAA" and "BBB" correspond to one of the button titles.

int32_t confirmEx (in mozIDOMWindowProxy aParent, in wstring aDialogTitle, in wstring aText, in unsigned long aButtonFlags, in wstring aButton0Title, in wstring aButton1Title, in wstring aButton2Title, in wstring aCheckMsg, inout boolean aCheckState);


   * Puts up a dialog with an edit field and an optional, labeled checkbox.
   * @param aParent
   *        The parent window or null.
   * @param aDialogTitle
   *        Text to appear in the title of the dialog.
   * @param aText
   *        Text to appear in the body of the dialog.
   * @param aValue
   *        Contains the default value for the dialog field when this method
   *        is called (null value is ok).  Upon return, if the user pressed
   *        OK, then this parameter contains a newly allocated string value.
   *        Otherwise, the parameter's value is unmodified.
   * @param aCheckMsg
   *        Text to appear with the checkbox.  If null, check box will not be shown.
   * @param aCheckState
   *        Contains the initial checked state of the checkbox when this method
   *        is called and the final checked state after this method returns.
   * @return true for OK, false for Cancel.

boolean prompt (in mozIDOMWindowProxy aParent, in wstring aDialogTitle, in wstring aText, inout wstring aValue, in wstring aCheckMsg, inout boolean aCheckState);


   * Puts up a dialog with an edit field, a password field, and an optional,
   * labeled checkbox.
   * @param aParent
   *        The parent window or null.
   * @param aDialogTitle
   *        Text to appear in the title of the dialog.
   * @param aText
   *        Text to appear in the body of the dialog.
   * @param aUsername
   *        Contains the default value for the username field when this method
   *        is called (null value is ok).  Upon return, if the user pressed OK,
   *        then this parameter contains a newly allocated string value.
   *        Otherwise, the parameter's value is unmodified.
   * @param aPassword
   *        Contains the default value for the password field when this method
   *        is called (null value is ok).  Upon return, if the user pressed OK,
   *        then this parameter contains a newly allocated string value.
   *        Otherwise, the parameter's value is unmodified.
   * @param aCheckMsg
   *        Text to appear with the checkbox.  If null, check box will not be shown.
   * @param aCheckState
   *        Contains the initial checked state of the checkbox when this method
   *        is called and the final checked state after this method returns.
   * @return true for OK, false for Cancel.

boolean promptUsernameAndPassword (in mozIDOMWindowProxy aParent, in wstring aDialogTitle, in wstring aText, inout wstring aUsername, inout wstring aPassword, in wstring aCheckMsg, inout boolean aCheckState);


   * Puts up a dialog with a password field and an optional, labeled checkbox.
   * @param aParent
   *        The parent window or null.
   * @param aDialogTitle
   *        Text to appear in the title of the dialog.
   * @param aText
   *        Text to appear in the body of the dialog.
   * @param aPassword
   *        Contains the default value for the password field when this method
   *        is called (null value is ok).  Upon return, if the user pressed OK,
   *        then this parameter contains a newly allocated string value.
   *        Otherwise, the parameter's value is unmodified.
   * @param aCheckMsg
   *        Text to appear with the checkbox.  If null, check box will not be shown.
   * @param aCheckState
   *        Contains the initial checked state of the checkbox when this method
   *        is called and the final checked state after this method returns.
   * @return true for OK, false for Cancel.

boolean promptPassword (in mozIDOMWindowProxy aParent, in wstring aDialogTitle, in wstring aText, inout wstring aPassword, in wstring aCheckMsg, inout boolean aCheckState);


   * Puts up a dialog box which has a list box of strings from which the user
   * may make a single selection.
   * @param aParent
   *        The parent window or null.
   * @param aDialogTitle
   *        Text to appear in the title of the dialog.
   * @param aText
   *        Text to appear in the body of the dialog.
   * @param aCount
   *        The length of the aSelectList array parameter.
   * @param aSelectList
   *        The list of strings to display.
   * @param aOutSelection
   *        Contains the index of the selected item in the list when this
   *        method returns true.
   * @return true for OK, false for Cancel.

boolean select (in mozIDOMWindowProxy aParent, in wstring aDialogTitle, in wstring aText, in uint32_t aCount, [array, size_is (aCount)] in wstring aSelectList, out long aOutSelection);


boolean promptAuth (in mozIDOMWindowProxy aParent, in nsIChannel aChannel, in uint32_t level, in nsIAuthInformation authInfo, in wstring checkboxLabel, inout boolean checkValue);


nsICancelable asyncPromptAuth (in mozIDOMWindowProxy aParent, in nsIChannel aChannel, in nsIAuthPromptCallback aCallback, in nsISupports aContext, in uint32_t level, in nsIAuthInformation authInfo, in wstring checkboxLabel, inout boolean checkValue);

Methods from Deref<Target = nsISupports>


Cast this nsISupports to one of its base interfaces.


void QueryInterface (in nsIIDRef uuid, [iid_is (uuid), retval] out nsQIResult result);


[noscript,notxpcom] nsrefcnt AddRef ();


[noscript,notxpcom] nsrefcnt Release ();

Trait Implementations

impl XpCom for nsIPromptService

IID: nsIID = nsID(1078902690, 55540, 19604, [132, 22, 230, 90, 85, 249, 223, 90])


Perform a QueryInterface call on this object, attempting to dynamically cast it to the requested interface type. Returns Some(RefPtr) if the cast succeeded, and None otherwise. Read more

impl RefCounted for nsIPromptService


Increment the reference count.


Decrement the reference count, potentially freeing backing memory.

impl Deref for nsIPromptService

The resulting type after dereferencing.


Dereferences the value.