Struct xpcom::interfaces::nsIContentViewer [] [src]

pub struct nsIContentViewer { /* fields omitted */ }

interface nsIContentViewer : nsISupports


impl nsIContentViewer


Cast this nsIContentViewer to one of its base interfaces.

impl nsIContentViewer

ePrompt: i64 = 0
   * aPermitUnloadFlags are passed to PermitUnload to indicate what action to take
   * if a beforeunload handler wants to prompt the user.  It is also used by
   * permitUnloadInternal to ensure we only prompt once.
   * ePrompt: Prompt and return the user's choice (default).
   * eDontPromptAndDontUnload: Don't prompt and return false (unload not permitted)
   *                           if the document (or its children) asks us to prompt.
   * eDontPromptAndUnload: Don't prompt and return true (unload permitted) no matter what.

eDontPromptAndDontUnload: i64 = 1

eDontPromptAndUnload: i64 = 2

eDelayResize: i64 = 1
   * The 'aFlags' argument to setBoundsWithFlags is a set of these bits.


attribute nsIDocShell container;


attribute nsIDocShell container;


void loadComplete (in nsresult aStatus);


[noscript] readonly attribute boolean loadCompleted;


[noscript] readonly attribute boolean isStopped;


   * Overload PermitUnload method for C++ consumers with no aPermitUnloadFlags
   * argument.
   * Checks if the document wants to prevent unloading by firing beforeunload on
   * the document, and if it does, takes action directed by aPermitUnloadFlags.
   * The result is returned.

boolean permitUnload ([optional] in unsigned long aPermitUnloadFlags);


   * Exposes whether we're blocked in a call to permitUnload.

readonly attribute boolean inPermitUnload;


   * Exposes whether we're in the process of firing the beforeunload event.
   * In this case, the corresponding docshell will not allow navigation.

readonly attribute boolean beforeUnloadFiring;


void pageHide (in boolean isUnload);


   * All users of a content viewer are responsible for calling both
   * close() and destroy(), in that order.
   * close() should be called when the load of a new page for the next
   * content viewer begins, and destroy() should be called when the next
   * content viewer replaces this one.
   * |historyEntry| sets the session history entry for the content viewer.  If
   * this is null, then Destroy() will be called on the document by close().
   * If it is non-null, the document will not be destroyed, and the following
   * actions will happen when destroy() is called (*):
   *  - Sanitize() will be called on the viewer's document
   *  - The content viewer will set the contentViewer property on the
   *    history entry, and release its reference (ownership reversal).
   *  - hide() will be called, and no further destruction will happen.
   *  (*) unless the document is currently being printed, in which case
   *      it will never be saved in session history.

void close (in nsISHEntry historyEntry);


void destroy ();


void stop ();


attribute nsIDOMDocument DOMDocument;


attribute nsIDOMDocument DOMDocument;


   * Returns DOMDocument as nsIDocument and without addrefing.

[noscript,notxpcom] nsIDocument getDocument ();


   * The previous content viewer, which has been |close|d but not
   * |destroy|ed.

[noscript] attribute nsIContentViewer previousViewer;


   * The previous content viewer, which has been |close|d but not
   * |destroy|ed.

[noscript] attribute nsIContentViewer previousViewer;


void move (in long aX, in long aY);


void show ();


void hide ();


attribute boolean sticky;


attribute boolean sticky;


boolean requestWindowClose ();


   * Attach the content viewer to its DOM window and docshell.
   * @param aState A state object that might be useful in attaching the DOM
   *               window.
   * @param aSHEntry The history entry that the content viewer was stored in.
   *                 The entry must have the docshells for all of the child
   *                 documents stored in its child shell list.

void open (in nsISupports aState, in nsISHEntry aSHEntry);


   * Clears the current history entry.  This is used if we need to clear out
   * the saved presentation state.

void clearHistoryEntry ();


   * Change the layout to view the document with page layout (like print preview), but
   * dynamic and editable (like Galley layout).

void setPageMode (in boolean aPageMode, in nsIPrintSettings aPrintSettings);


   * Get the history entry that this viewer will save itself into when
   * destroyed.  Can return null

readonly attribute nsISHEntry historyEntry;


   * Indicates when we're in a state where content shouldn't be allowed to
   * trigger a tab-modal prompt (as opposed to a window-modal prompt) because
   * we're part way through some operation (eg beforeunload) that shouldn't be
   * rentrant if the user closes the tab while the prompt is showing.
   * See bug 613800.

readonly attribute boolean isTabModalPromptAllowed;


   * Returns whether this content viewer is in a hidden state.
   * @note Only Gecko internal code should set the attribute!

attribute boolean isHidden;


   * Returns whether this content viewer is in a hidden state.
   * @note Only Gecko internal code should set the attribute!

attribute boolean isHidden;


[noscript] void setDocumentInternal (in nsIDocument aDocument, in boolean aForceReuseInnerWindow);


void scrollToNode (in nsIDOMNode node);


/** The amount by which to scale all text. Default is 1.0. */

attribute float textZoom;


/** The amount by which to scale all text. Default is 1.0. */

attribute float textZoom;


/** The actual text zoom in effect, as modified by the system font scale. */

readonly attribute float effectiveTextZoom;


/** The amount by which to scale all lengths. Default is 1.0. */

attribute float fullZoom;


/** The amount by which to scale all lengths. Default is 1.0. */

attribute float fullZoom;


   * The actual full zoom in effect, as modified by the device context.
   * For a requested full zoom, the device context may choose a slightly
   * different effectiveFullZoom to accomodate integer rounding of app units
   * per dev pixel. This property returns the actual zoom amount in use,
   * though it may not be good user experience to report that a requested zoom
   * of 90% is actually 89.1%, for example. This value is provided primarily to
   * support media queries of dppx values, because those queries are matched
   * against the actual native device pixel ratio and the actual full zoom.

readonly attribute float deviceFullZoom;


   * The value used to override devicePixelRatio and media queries dppx.
   * Default is 0.0, that means no overriding is done (only a positive value
   * is applied).

attribute float overrideDPPX;


   * The value used to override devicePixelRatio and media queries dppx.
   * Default is 0.0, that means no overriding is done (only a positive value
   * is applied).

attribute float overrideDPPX;


/** Disable entire author style level (including HTML presentation hints) */

attribute boolean authorStyleDisabled;


/** Disable entire author style level (including HTML presentation hints) */

attribute boolean authorStyleDisabled;


   * XXX comm-central only: bug 829543. Not the Character Encoding menu in
   * browser!

attribute ACString forceCharacterSet;


   * XXX comm-central only: bug 829543. Not the Character Encoding menu in
   * browser!

attribute ACString forceCharacterSet;


   * XXX comm-central only: bug 829543.

attribute ACString hintCharacterSet;


   * XXX comm-central only: bug 829543.

attribute ACString hintCharacterSet;


   * XXX comm-central only: bug 829543.

attribute int32_t hintCharacterSetSource;


   * XXX comm-central only: bug 829543.

attribute int32_t hintCharacterSetSource;


   * Requests the size of the content to the container.

void getContentSize (out long width, out long height);


   * Returns the preferred width and height of the content, constrained to the
   * given maximum values. If either maxWidth or maxHeight is less than zero,
   * that dimension is not constrained.
   * All input and output values are in device pixels, rather than CSS pixels.

void getContentSizeConstrained (in long maxWidth, in long maxHeight, out long width, out long height);


/** The minimum font size  */

attribute long minFontSize;


/** The minimum font size  */

attribute long minFontSize;


   * Instruct the refresh driver to discontinue painting until further
   * notice.

void pausePainting ();


   * Instruct the refresh driver to resume painting after a previous call to
   * pausePainting().

void resumePainting ();


void emulateMedium (in AString aMediaType);


void stopEmulatingMedium ();

Methods from Deref<Target = nsISupports>


Cast this nsISupports to one of its base interfaces.


void QueryInterface (in nsIIDRef uuid, [iid_is (uuid), retval] out nsQIResult result);


[noscript,notxpcom] nsrefcnt AddRef ();


[noscript,notxpcom] nsrefcnt Release ();

Trait Implementations

impl XpCom for nsIContentViewer

IID: nsIID = nsID(765554710, 30801, 19013, [167, 168, 0, 179, 96, 224, 21, 149])


Perform a QueryInterface call on this object, attempting to dynamically cast it to the requested interface type. Returns Some(RefPtr) if the cast succeeded, and None otherwise. Read more

impl RefCounted for nsIContentViewer


Increment the reference count.


Decrement the reference count, potentially freeing backing memory.

impl Deref for nsIContentViewer

The resulting type after dereferencing.


Dereferences the value.