Struct xpcom::interfaces::nsIX509CertDB [] [src]

pub struct nsIX509CertDB { /* fields omitted */ }

interface nsIX509CertDB : nsISupports

 * This represents a service to access and manipulate
 * X.509 certificates stored in a database.


impl nsIX509CertDB


Cast this nsIX509CertDB to one of its base interfaces.

impl nsIX509CertDB

UNTRUSTED: i64 = 0
   *  Constants that define which usages a certificate
   *  is trusted for.

TRUSTED_SSL: i64 = 1


AppXPCShellRoot: i64 = 6
   *  Verifies the signature on the given JAR file to verify that it has a
   *  valid signature.  To be considered valid, there must be exactly one
   *  signature on the JAR file and that signature must have signed every
   *  entry. Further, the signature must come from a certificate that
   *  is trusted for code signing.
   *  On success, NS_OK, a nsIZipReader, and the trusted certificate that
   *  signed the JAR are returned.
   *  On failure, an error code is returned.
   *  This method returns a nsIZipReader, instead of taking an nsIZipReader
   *  as input, to encourage users of the API to verify the signature as the
   *  first step in opening the JAR.

AddonsPublicRoot: i64 = 7

AddonsStageRoot: i64 = 8

PrivilegedPackageRoot: i64 = 9

DeveloperImportedRoot: i64 = 10


FLAG_MUST_BE_EV: i64 = 2


   *  Will find a certificate based on its dbkey
   *  retrieved by getting the dbKey attribute of
   *  the certificate.
   *  @param aDBkey Database internal key, as obtained using
   *                attribute dbkey in nsIX509Cert.

[must_use] nsIX509Cert findCertByDBKey (in ACString aDBkey);


   *  Find a certificate by email address.
   *  @param aEmailAddress The email address to be used as the key
   *                       to find the certificate.
   *  @return The matching certificate if found.

[must_use] nsIX509Cert findCertByEmailAddress (in ACString aEmailAddress);


   *  Use this to import a stream sent down as a mime type into
   *  the certificate database on the default token.
   *  The stream may consist of one or more certificates.
   *  @param data The raw data to be imported
   *  @param length The length of the data to be imported
   *  @param type The type of the certificate, see constants in nsIX509Cert
   *  @param ctx A UI context.

void importCertificates ([array, size_is (length)] in octet data, in unsigned long length, in unsigned long type, in nsIInterfaceRequestor ctx);


   *  Import another person's email certificate into the database.
   *  @param data The raw data to be imported
   *  @param length The length of the data to be imported
   *  @param ctx A UI context.

void importEmailCertificate ([array, size_is (length)] in octet data, in unsigned long length, in nsIInterfaceRequestor ctx);


   *  Import a personal certificate into the database, assuming
   *  the database already contains the private key for this certificate.
   *  @param data The raw data to be imported
   *  @param length The length of the data to be imported
   *  @param ctx A UI context.

void importUserCertificate ([array, size_is (length)] in octet data, in unsigned long length, in nsIInterfaceRequestor ctx);


   *  Delete a certificate stored in the database.
   *  @param aCert Delete this certificate.

void deleteCertificate (in nsIX509Cert aCert);


   *  Modify the trust that is stored and associated to a certificate within
   *  a database. Separate trust is stored for
   *  One call manipulates the trust for one trust type only.
   *  See the trust type constants defined within this interface.
   *  @param cert Change the stored trust of this certificate.
   *  @param type The type of the certificate. See nsIX509Cert.
   *  @param trust A bitmask. The new trust for the possible usages.
   *               See the trust constants defined within this interface.

[must_use] void setCertTrust (in nsIX509Cert cert, in unsigned long type, in unsigned long trust);


   * @param cert        The certificate for which to modify trust.
   * @param trustString decoded by CERT_DecodeTrustString. 3 comma separated
   *                    characters, indicating SSL, Email, and Object signing
   *                    trust. The object signing trust flags are effectively
   *                    ignored by gecko, but they still must be specified (at
   *                    least by a final trailing comma) because this argument
   *                    is passed to CERT_DecodeTrustString.

[must_use] void setCertTrustFromString (in nsIX509Cert cert, in ACString trustString);


   *  Query whether a certificate is trusted for a particular use.
   *  @param cert Obtain the stored trust of this certificate.
   *  @param certType The type of the certificate. See nsIX509Cert.
   *  @param trustType A single bit from the usages constants defined
   *                   within this interface.
   *  @return Returns true if the certificate is trusted for the given use.

[must_use] boolean isCertTrusted (in nsIX509Cert cert, in unsigned long certType, in unsigned long trustType);


   *  Import certificate(s) from file
   *  @param aFile Identifies a file that contains the certificate
   *               to be imported.
   *  @param aType Describes the type of certificate that is going to
   *               be imported. See type constants in nsIX509Cert.

[must_use] void importCertsFromFile (in nsIFile aFile, in unsigned long aType);


   *  Import a PKCS#12 file containing cert(s) and key(s) into the database.
   *  @param aFile Identifies a file that contains the data to be imported.

[must_use] void importPKCS12File (in nsIFile aFile);


   *  Export a set of certs and keys from the database to a PKCS#12 file.
   *  @param aFile Identifies a file that will be filled with the data to be
   *               exported.
   *  @param count The number of certificates to be exported.
   *  @param aCerts The array of all certificates to be exported.

[must_use] void exportPKCS12File (in nsIFile aFile, in unsigned long count, [array, size_is (count)] in nsIX509Cert aCerts);


[must_use] nsIX509Cert constructX509FromBase64 (in ACString base64);


[must_use] nsIX509Cert constructX509 (in ACString certDER);


[must_use] void openSignedAppFileAsync (in AppTrustedRoot trustedRoot, in nsIFile aJarFile, in nsIOpenSignedAppFileCallback callback);


   * Vestigial implementation of verifying signed unpacked add-ons. trustedRoot
   * and aUnpackedDir are ignored. The callback is always called with
   * NS_ERROR_SIGNED_JAR_NOT_SIGNED and a null signer cert.

[must_use] void verifySignedDirectoryAsync (in AppTrustedRoot trustedRoot, in nsIFile aUnpackedDir, in nsIVerifySignedDirectoryCallback callback);


[must_use] nsIX509Cert addCert (in ACString certDER, in ACString trust);


/** Warning: This interface is inteded to use only for testing only as:
   *    1. It can create IO on the main thread.
   *    2. It is in constant change, so in/out can change at any release.
   *  Obtain the verification result for a cert given a particular usage.
   *  On success, the call returns 0, the chain built during verification,
   *  and whether the cert is good for EV usage.
   *  On failure, the call returns the PRErrorCode for the verification failure
   *  @param aCert Obtain the stored trust of this certificate
   *  @param aUsage a integer representing the usage from NSS
   *  @param aFlags flags as described above
   *  @param aHostname the (optional) hostname to verify for
   *  @param aTime the time at which to verify, in seconds since the epoch
   *  @param aVerifiedChain chain of verification up to the root if success
   *  @param aHasEVPolicy bool that signified that the cert was an EV cert
   *  @return 0 if success or the value or the error code for the verification
   *          failure

[must_use] int32_t verifyCertAtTime (in nsIX509Cert aCert, in int64_t aUsage, in uint32_t aFlags, in ACString aHostname, in uint64_t aTime, out nsIX509CertList aVerifiedChain, out bool aHasEVPolicy);


[must_use] int32_t verifyCertNow (in nsIX509Cert aCert, in int64_t aUsage, in uint32_t aFlags, in ACString aHostname, out nsIX509CertList aVerifiedChain, out bool aHasEVPolicy);


   * Similar to the above, but asynchronous. As a result, use of this API is not
   * limited to tests.

[must_use] void asyncVerifyCertAtTime (in nsIX509Cert aCert, in int64_t aUsage, in uint32_t aFlags, in ACString aHostname, in uint64_t aTime, in nsICertVerificationCallback aCallback);


[must_use] void clearOCSPCache ();


[must_use] nsIX509Cert addCertFromBase64 (in ACString base64, in ACString trust);


[must_use] nsIX509CertList getCerts ();


[must_use] nsIX509CertList getEnterpriseRoots ();

Methods from Deref<Target = nsISupports>


Cast this nsISupports to one of its base interfaces.


void QueryInterface (in nsIIDRef uuid, [iid_is (uuid), retval] out nsQIResult result);


[noscript,notxpcom] nsrefcnt AddRef ();


[noscript,notxpcom] nsrefcnt Release ();

Trait Implementations

impl XpCom for nsIX509CertDB

IID: nsIID = nsID(1544998299, 23155, 18417, [171, 15, 17, 237, 231, 73, 92, 206])


Perform a QueryInterface call on this object, attempting to dynamically cast it to the requested interface type. Returns Some(RefPtr) if the cast succeeded, and None otherwise. Read more

impl RefCounted for nsIX509CertDB


Increment the reference count.


Decrement the reference count, potentially freeing backing memory.

impl Deref for nsIX509CertDB

The resulting type after dereferencing.


Dereferences the value.